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Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature

Sensors and Controls for Process and Machine Automation


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RotoFlow® and TurboFlow® Sensors










RotoFlow - RFI Type


RotoFlow RFI


Visual Indicator


RotoFlow - RFA Type

RotoFlow RFA


Flow Rate Monitoring

0-10 VDC Analog Output


RotoFlow - RFO Type

RotoFlow RFO


Flow Rate Monitoring

4.5 to 24 VDC Pulse Output


RotoFlow - RFS Type

RotoFlow RFS


Flow Set Point




RotoFlow Installation

and Manitenance


RotoFlow Exploded View



TurboFlow - FT-110M & FT-110

TurboFlow FT110M

TurboFlow -FT-110


.53 to 6.6 GPM and .13 to 9.2 GPM Ranges




TurboFlow - FT-210

TurboFlow FT-210


.026 to .65 GPM Range


TurboFlow - FT-330

TurboFlow FT-330

.2 to 4 GPM Range

NSF Approved Materials

Precision Digital

ProVu Display Flow Controllers


Provu Meters





RotoFlow and TurboFlow

Catalog Section


Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature

Sensors and Control for Process and Machine Automation