BriggsLogoC A Briggs Company

The LevelWorks® People

Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature

Sensors and Controls for Process and Machine Automation


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Float Level Kits (assembly optional)

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Available in Brass with Buna Floats, Stainless with Buna Floats and

Stainless Steel with Stainless Floats

20VA Switches


PGK Logo

Level Alert LA3000 "High-Low" Liquid Level Controller kit

for Fill or Emptying

LA3000 Float Control

NEMA 4X Enclosure, 4" to 18' lengths, 20A capability @ 120VAC

Polypropylene or PVDF Wetted Parts

PGK Logo

The LevelAlert LA2000

Liquid Level Sensor


NEMA 4X Enclosure, 1 to 7 Switches, 4" to 16' lengths, 10 Watt Switches @ 120VAC

Polypropylene or PVDF Wetted Parts


Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature

Sensors and Controls for Process and Machine Automation