Briggs LogoC A Briggs Company

The LevelWorks® People

Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature

Sensors and Controls for Process and Machine Automation


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G3 Logo Technologies, Inc.



G308 RioExpress


G308 RioExpress


Plug-N-Play Cable Replacement Wireless I/O

2 Analog and 4 Digital I/O


Quick Start Guide


Plug & Play Intro




G303 RIO


G303 RIO


SCADA and Process Control applications using Industry-standard MODBUS communication protocol

4 Analog Inputs, 8 Digital Input, 4 Digital OutPuts, RS232, RS485


G306C RioLinkWireless Modem




 Modbus Master (PLC/RTU/etc) serial data port to support wireless data communications with multiple Wireless I/O Slaves - G303 RIO. A pair of RioLink Wireless Modems can be used for RS232/485 Data Cable replacement.


Level, Flow, Pressure and Temperature

Sensors and Control for Process and Machine Automation